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Additional Learning Needs

Additional Learning Needs



Children with Additional Needs

​The school’s procedures comply with the Additional Learning Needs Code of Practice. Children experiencing difficulties with areas of the curriculum are identified by the class teacher and this is discussed with the ALNCo (Additional Learning Needs co-ordinator). After consultation with the parent, children who need support will work from an individual education plan which will focus on areas of specific difficulty. This will be undertaken in class and in small group session supported by an adult. If we are unable to adequately provide for an additional need we can request support from external agencies. Regular review meetings will be held to determine the progress of the child. These meetings will involve parents and all those concerned with the education of the child.




More Able and Talented Pupils
Our broad and balanced curriculum offers opportunities to extend and challenge the more able. Teacher planning is differentiated to fulfil their academic needs and any child with an identified talent in other areas such as sport or music is fully supported and their achievements celebrated.


